Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Driving Instructor Course

A driving instructor is a qualified driver who can teach people how to drive automobiles. A driving instructor training course is a course that would-be driving instructors have to take up to obtain qualifications for instructing.

If you want to be a driving instructor, you must obtain the necessary certification to qualify. You must go for accredited programs that issue recognized certificates in the industry. What you should learn from these programs are more on how to be an effective instructor and not really much of a driver although your driving skills will probably improve some too along the way.

Look up driving instructor schools online and you will find some really prominent ones that have a large staff and years of experience in training instructors. They are the best choice so far as you will benefit from their big pool of skilled instructors that you can learn from. In short, bigger companies offer you a better chance of finding the best instructors that will help you develop your skills. Not only are you going to benefit from a bigger skill and talent pool, you will also be almost guaranteed a job at the same company that offers driving classes.

Why would you go for smaller schools that have a smaller market share of clients? If you will be self-employed only then the market share of your school would not really matter so much at all.  The good part of being self-employed is that you are your own boss and your time is yours alone. You can customize your work hours according to what is most preferable for you. You will enjoy a lot of freedom in your time as a driving instructor.  The next step for driving instructors who are new is they eventually specialize into other things and these drivers who do specialize can charge a lot more.  Check your state or locality for the qualifications to be a licensed driving instructor. It's not across the board the same in all places. There might be some big differences in requirements such as driving years and what license you have to hold first and things like that. 

To help you get an idea what it takes and get that out of the way, here are a few questions that you should answer to yourself.  Are you a driver for at least three years? This is kind of the standard in most territories. Are you free of any derogatory records in your license for the last three years? Are you free of any disability and criminal record that will compromise your integrity as a driving instructor?

If you said yes to every question here then you are very qualified to undergo training as a driving instructor.   Remember, you can find these schools online or in the phone book and you can call them to ask for advice. But since you can find more online, look up what their past customers have to say about their services.

Read more about Driving Instructor Insurance.